Nos amis de LUTZELBOURG ont fêté dignement le 70 ème anniversaire de leur libération par la 79 ème division d'infanterie US..... division appelée "CROIX DE LORRAINE", notre ami Marc Corriger avait pavoisé son superbe restaurant Hotel des Vosges aux couleurs américaines. Merci de ne pas oublier nos soldats.


Our friends in LUTZELBOURG celebrated with much pomp the 70 th anniversary of their liberation by the 79th US INFANTRY DIVISION , the divison called "CROSS OF LORRAINE" because of its shoulder patch won in tears and blood in the Argonne forest in 1918.

Our friend Marc CORRIGER had put the red white and blue everywhere in his superb and famous restaurant Hotel des Vosges. Thank you to remember our brave soldiers.

Libération de Lutzelbourg dans la presse // Lutzelbourg in the newspaper
Liberation 3.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 1.7 MB

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